Short Course
Managing Teams for Better Performance
Elevate Team Performance: Strategies for Enhanced Operational Success
A team is a critical organisational structure, responsible for significant activity and success within any organisation. Yet teams can often stagnate at a basic level, completing operational tasks but never moving into higher levels of performance. As such, improving the performance of teams can result in significant operational benefits, often at the same – or even lower – operational costs.
Learning Outcomes
This workshop assists managers take their team’s performance to a higher level. It focuses on two key frameworks for team organisation and performance. First, Bruce Tuckman’s ‘Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing’ model, which can help identify and understand the team’s journey. It then examines Patrick Lencioni’s ‘Five Dysfunctions of a Team’ to help identify hurdles which can prevent team progress. It concludes with a complete overview of how to manage the team performance review process and engage team members in self-development as a team.
Who This is For
This topic is suitable for all leaders, managers, and supervisors.
Blended Learning
The FLMT delivery mode options can be combined to provide flexible, blended learning options.
At a Glance
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Contact us to discuss how FLMT can assist with your organisation successful develop its workforce capability