Short Course

Managing Remote and Virtual Teams

Mastering Remote Team Management for Organisational Success

Working remotely is becoming increasingly common. Some research suggests that organisations expect nearly half of all their employees to be working remotely over the next decade. Whilst many trends feed into this way of organising work, managing the work effectively will be key to the success of organisations globally.

Learning Outcomes

This workshop explores managing remote and virtual teams – workers or employees who are not physically located in the same space as their managers or leaders. It examines four key rules for successful remote team management. First, building trust with remote workers, then how to help remote teams remove roadblocks and how to build connections for remote workers, and finally, it provides tips to improve communication for remote teams.

Who This is For

This topic is suitable for all managers and leaders of remote or virtual teams.


  • Blended Learning

    The FLMT delivery mode options can be combined to provide flexible, blended learning options.

At a Glance

Designed for
Executives, Frontline Managers, Middle Managers, and Senior Leaders
Area of Expertise
Communication & Engagement, Leading & Influencing Others, and Management & Leadership

Find Out More

Contact us to discuss how FLMT can assist with your organisation successful develop its workforce capability